Encoder Shaft Couplings

Encoder Couplings attach an encoder shaft to another rotating shaft, protecting the encoder from shaft to shaft misalignment. In order for encoder couplings to work effectively, they need to be flexible and accurate. Without flexible coupling, the misalignment may cause friction, heat, vibration, and noise. Bellow couplings are flexible couplings that provide zero backlash, absorbing slight misalignments from the tolerances between the two surfaces. These couplings allow a superior combination of angular, radial, and axial misalignment not found in many other couplings. They have the highest torsional stiffness and are typically used in applications requiring high precision. Bellows couplings are ideal for rotary encoder applications.

The Benefits of Encoder Coupling

Using flexible coupling for your project offers a variety of benefits for your device, including:
  • Zero backlash
  • Up to 8 degrees of angular offset
  • Excellent kinematic properties
  • Increase the life of your encoder device
  • Maintain the accuracy of your device
  • Low inertia, reducing power requirements
  • High torque to 1770 inch-lbs.

Choosing the Right Coupling for You

When choosing the coupling for your application, it’s important to consider the parameters required for that application. Take into consideration what rotational speed the coupling will operate. If your device requires a higher RPM, for example, a Bellows coupling is better suited.
Torque is also important to consider. Depending on the torque of your device, the size and style of coupling will differ. To narrow down your choices, consider peak torque (torque at startup), operating torque (torque at steady state operations), and reversing/braking torque.
The need for backlash control is also an important criterium. If the coupling will be used in a reversing and/or motion control application in which accurate positioning is essential, a flexible coupling with low or zero backlash is the best option.
All of these conditions, in addition to misalignment management, will help you to find the right coupling for you.

Contact Ondrives.Us for Your Encoder Coupling Needs

We offer zero-backlash coupling to meet all of your needs including Bellows, Metal Servo-Beam™Polymer Servo-Beam™, and Polymer Step-Beam™  couplings.
To learn more about what coupling style is right for you, contact our talented team of engineers today.